

We are not a herd of cattle

Can I allow myself to be at ease with the rise of populism, such as Trump’s rhetoric, emergence  of  Hitler and Brexit?

We aimed to live and relive the fear and euphoria that Tomoatsu Godai must have felt. I feel that only Haruma Miura was able to learn the historical lesson of Godai’s cries,tears,and laugh.

I think Haruma Miura learned that he could not find out that who he was,that could not have what Hegel called “self-consciousness”, and that he realised what Friedrich Nietzsche kept crying out about that “Human beings are not free in their thinking.that they are most cases just slaves to external norms.” 

He must have realized that he is nothing more than a slave of a certain external norm.

What are the criteria for judging right and wrong in human society? It is said that it varies according to the historical conditions of each social group, but the populism mentioned earlier seems to be only the calculation of self-interest before the judgment of right and wrong, and this lacks intelligence.

Hobbs, Locke, Bentham and others said,”The preservation of private property, the self-preservation of the individuals, self-actualization, that is, lead to respect for natural rights and lead to altruism. It is necessary everyone to work hard and learn hard to strive to reach altruism. It can be understood to some extent by looking back on the changes in values ​​in one’s life.

I am still immature at the age of 74. Even if I can come into contact with various knowledge ideologically, when I act, I think about my own profit and loss account. This cannot lead to the realization of a symbiotic society. Haruma Miura scolds me again if I don’t confirm the intellect that is said to be inherent in humans while I am alive.

Otherwise, Nietzsche will criticize us as a herd. Criticism might not be enough, it will not stop the  collapse of the earth.

November 14,2020

Minors Hirota, Chairman of Tomoatsu Godai Film Production Committee


  • 製作者:廣田 稔  製作委員会プロデューサー:鈴木 トシ子
  • 映画製作委員会:五代友厚プロジェクト、鹿児島テレビ放送、奈良新聞社、クリエイターズユニオン、廣田稔法律事務所
  • 出資者:製作委員(個人、団体多数
  • 製作会社:クリエイターズユニオン
  • 後援:大阪商工会議所、鹿児島商工会議所、大阪天満宮、公益財団法人 大阪観光局(予定)