


We were very grateful to the fans of Haruma Miura for their support at the screening of the film “Tengaramon”.  We can only think of the power of Haruma Miura and, by extension, the power of God and  of Mr. Godai, whom he played. Thank you.

I thought I should do something to repay the favour.

I wondered what Haruma or Godai would have done if it was a Corona disaster. It occurred to me that I should not repay him but pay it forward. So I decided to send the staff of the hospital in Osaka, which was struggling to cope with the corona disaster, a bottles of ‘Arigatou no Water’ from the General Incorporated Association Suito in my home village of Yamae, Kuma-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture.

So, from March 2021, I decided to send 100 bottles of water every month to the following hospitals. When they heard about this, some of Haruma’s fans volunteered to pay for the postage.

We would like to report that we have now received the following thank you.

・なにわ生野病院・市立東大阪医療センター ・三島救急医療・吹田病院 ・大阪精神医療センター・北摂総合病院・大阪母子医療センター ・野江病院・育和会記念病院・泉大津市立病院・泉尾病院・浅香山病院・福島病院・大阪医科薬科大学病院・市立ひらかた病院・高槻赤十字病院・西淀病院・大阪鉄道病院・阪南市民病院・大阪大学医学部附属病院・北野病院・多根総合病院・大阪刀根山医療センター・松崎病院・富田林院・馬場記念病院・藍の都脳神経外科病院・大東中央病院・吹田徳洲会病院・中津病院・南港病院・星ヶ丘医療センター

Next time, we will all need to work together to find a way to sublimate our feelings for Haruma and Mr. Godai as human beings, not for self-aggrandizement or self-interest. In order to do this, we need to continue to learn through history and by asking God about the way we should live as human beings and the way the world should go. We are convinced that this is the only way we can repay Haruma fan’s kindness.

Thank you, Haruma’s fans!

Minoru Hirota, 30 November 2021


  • 製作者:廣田 稔  製作委員会プロデューサー:鈴木 トシ子
  • 映画製作委員会:五代友厚プロジェクト、鹿児島テレビ放送、奈良新聞社、クリエイターズユニオン、廣田稔法律事務所
  • 出資者:製作委員(個人、団体多数
  • 製作会社:クリエイターズユニオン
  • 後援:大阪商工会議所、鹿児島商工会議所、大阪天満宮、公益財団法人 大阪観光局(予定)